Heart and Wings
Supporting your inner growth!
Some quotes of people we admire, expressing what we aim for
Concentration is taught by the mystics in order to exercise the will, ...
A person with will power can remember what he wishes to remember and can forget what he wishes to forget.
All things that deprive one
of one's freedom in life
are undesirable.
The mind must be free
from all bad impressions of life,
which take away
the rest and peace of life.
By concentration,
one is able to hold
a certain thought one desires
to keep away all other thoughts.
When one is able to keep away
all the thoughts one does not wish
to think about,
it becomes easy to throw away
the impressions of years,
if one wishes to forget them.
Bad impressions,
however old and intimate,
are like rubbish accumulated,
which should be removed
in order to make the house clean.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
is perhaps the most highly valued concept within the Daoist teaching,
with Mother Earth as the model.
This naturalness refers not to some external ease or lack of effort,
but to perfect inner attunement
to the Deep Inner Essence of our selves
and consequently the Deep Inner Essence
of the wider world
Balance is also highly valued,
as an aspect of naturalness.
The concept of Yin and Yang
and the harmonising immaterial Qi
depicts balance.
The more self aware we are
the further we see into our own subconscious and consequently the more we recognize
that what we really are
is very different
from how we present ourselves
to the outer world.
This increasing self knowledge
also allows us
to see correspondingly past the face of others and further into who they really are.
Patrick A. Kelly
Positive Psychology
"Choice is creation.
To choose is to create.
Through my choices I create my reality.
At every moment in my life I have a choice. Moments add up to a lifetime;
choices add up to a life.
What kind of life do I want for myself?
What choices will create this kind of life?"
"Happiness is
the meaning and the purpose of life,
the whole aim and end
of human existence."
“Our behavior toward others
is often a reflection
of our treatment of ourselves.”
"Don’t ask yourself what the world needs,
ask yourself what makes you come alive.
And then go and do that.
Because what the world needs
is people who have come alive."
Tal Ben Shahar
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